Where are the Silver Linings?

Where are the Silver Linings?

How do we cope with the rapid pace of uncertainty? Life as we know it is changing before our eyes with the spread of the Coronavirus. It is natural to fear the unknown and feel out of control. First, we need to manage the shock and appreciate “what is.” We can give...
Spread Kindness

Spread Kindness

A simple kind word or gesture can make a difference for how a person feels included in the workplace or family. Coaching clients often share these moments and many also share their sense of aloneness. Studies on the employee experience show that while people want...
Is Knowing Half the Battle?

Is Knowing Half the Battle?

I love learning and buy and read a lot of books. I listen to podcasts and am continually exploring. It would be great if I mastered a concept just by listening or reading about it. Professor Laurie Santos has coined the term GI Joe Fallacy based on the 80’s cartoon in...
How Are You Making the World Better?

How Are You Making the World Better?

A question I ask myself often is, “Am I making a difference; how am I making the world a bit better?” It is not an easy question. Yet the question has shaped me and my actions. I have come to see that there are many ways that we can each contribute.  I was fortunate...