Experiences such as the coronavirus pandemic remind us that we are not in control. We can’t control such external circumstances but we can manage how we respond. First, we need to notice our reactions, our fears and concerns. We can give empathy and compassion to the part of us that is concerned. Then we can be open to more creative responses.

It is normal that we have a range of emotions when faced with uncertainty and disruption. It is also good to remember that some of our best learning and growth come from challenging situations. Some have called this post-traumatic growth. We don’t usually wish for more difficulties but I know that out of my hardships came my strengths. For example, I now see the benefit of struggling to earn money for college and it is out of some of the challenges I faced in the workplace that I pursued my doctorate, research and then developed leadership programs.

My coaching clients report many new insights from this coronavirus experience. Some are appreciating family and health more. Some report that changes have been made in a few weeks in their organizations that would have taken years to implement. They appreciate their teams and the importance of team cohesion.

It is useful to reflect on what lessons this experience is offering you. We actually each have the opportunity to reset. We can re-examine the habits we want to pursue and reflect on what is most important to us. We can look for opportunities for growth.

Pause and reflect on what you are learning from this experience and how you are growing.